Bickie & Jason was married on Aug 2nd, 2008. I'm still working on their wedding photos, and these are 2 of their portraits that I like. More to come soon.
See how many guests were attracted by the photo station?
Mari & Michael had chosen a very unique venue for their wedding, the Vancouver Museum. It's my first time photographing in there. Since many of the guests were from overseas, Mari had asked us to setup a photo station for them.
It was a fun and chic wedding on July 19, 2008. Melissa & Matthew had setup a bar and lounge in the ballroom of Pan Pacific Hotel. Lots of dances, alcohol and laughters!
At the Vancouver's most well-known wedding venue, the Brock House Restaurant, Christina married Christopher on July 4th, 2008. Everything went on so well, nice weather, fabulous decor, and the romantic sunset...
A couple from Seattle and actually Christina will be one of the bridesmaids of Priscilla & Brian's wedding tomorrow! And then Priscilla will be one of the bridesmaids of Christina in Sept! It's happy to see the same group of people at weddings over and over again, haha!
One of the hottest weekends in June. We all wished to jump into the water! Too bad, we don't have any underwater housing for our equipment, haha. Anyways, congratulations to Michelle & Damian.
We had been looking forward to this young couple's wedding for almost a year. We had so much fun photographing with Kate & Manaen, and their Bridal Party. Too many cool shots and these are just a few.... congratulations to the newlywed, all the best!